Sunday, October 23, 2011


My friend, Tobi, wrote that she is tired of being judged by people all the time.

I responded that I am tired of judging people all the time.

It's not something I want to do.
It's not something I try to do.
It's not even something I always consciously KNOW I am doing.

It's just something I do - all the time!!

There is a constant nagging feeling within me that nothing I or anyone else does is good enough. There is always something wrong. There is always criticalness and judgement happening.

I know it. I realize it. I hear it. And I hate it!

I'm exhausted.
I wish there was a button that I could just turn it off.

It's not something I'm proud of.
I'm ashamed, even.

And I'm honest...


At 3:27 PM, Blogger Lady Tobi said...

Sarah, I know you wrote this a few months ago but I am just today reading it. I just wanted to say that there are alot of people I feel judged by, but I have never felt judged by you! I have always found you to be very accepting.


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