Friday, April 06, 2012


Sharing my middle-of-the-night epiphany: I think the reason for my seemingly natural negative outlook on things is because I have this unhealthy need for everything to be perfect, have to get "it right".
Saying, "there is so much to do" - even though there really isn't, I think, is my feeling of overwhelm about the need to get what little bit that has to be done, perfect.

Athough logically, i know, nothing ever will be.

So just for today, I am going to try to allow everything to be good-enough, just the way it is.

And trust that everything always works out.

I'll let you know how that goes...


At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds good to me :D

come by for honey corned beef later...

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Lady Tobi said...

Sarah, you are awesome. You help so many people and I am inspired by all that you do in your life. I love that you aren't perfect because neither am I and the pressure to be friends with perfect person would be too much for me. You are way more than "good enough".


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