Sunday, June 19, 2005

I’m still here

Once again, I’m sorry – to my family and friends (and loyal blog readers) - for disappearing for the past week.

I’ve been in a stuck-writing space. Not depressed. Just really busy.

My S-I-L once asked how I had time to write, and at the time I told her, “I make time.”

Recently, I haven’t been able to make time.

Distracted. preoccupied. Busy.

Maybe my writing expectations are set too high. I read other peoples’ blogs, and they are well thought-out and written.

“I can’t write like that.”

Lower my self-expectations.

I’m torn between wanting to just sit on the beach all day and wanting to lock myself in a creative space somewhere and make art.

Maybe I should just go to the beach and make art?!


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