Monday, November 23, 2009

Up at 3:00 AM

Came home from a frustrating day at 7:30 PM.

Got Ely ready for bed, snuggled in next to her with the child's version of "A Secret Garden." Said her prayers and fell asleep. Both of us.

And now I am awake.

When I went downstairs, I found what NED had made for dinner, still on the counter. Guess she fell asleep before her time too?

Now I am awake with my thoughts. My frustrations. My worries. My need-to-dos. My should-dos. My wishes. My anxieties. My wonders. My knowings.

All swirling around in my head. Around and around. And around.

Is it me? Or the rest of the world?

A client wrote me that she wished she could live on an island alone, without anyone. I'm thinking about joining her.

This morning I had a headache. And I felt frustrated. I didn't hide it well. I never seem to hide it well. I hate when people notice. And say something. Leave me alone in my mood. I'll snap out of it when I'm good and ready.

Maybe I shouldn't write at 3:00 AM ?!


At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're sleep walking. Wake up! BB#2


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