Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I am a Car

Although I might hate putting money into taking care of my car, I do it because I have to.

I get the oil changed regularly.

I get the wheels checked and rotated.
I get the car washed to clean out all the gunk from in and around the motor and inside the car.
If there is an unfamiliar noise, I take it to the mechanic, and I have it taken care of.
The windshield wiper fluid needs refilling.
The battery even needs changing every so often.
I'm sure there is more.

And I am the one to take care of it.

It's always been my responsibility.

I've always known how much it cost, and swallowed hard knowing it had to be done anyhow.

No guilt involved. Just a 'have-to'/'need-to' basis of doing.

So last week after suffering for three days with a migraine and the onset of random heel pain, I decided it was time to think of myself like a car.

I need maintenance.

No emotion needed or involved.
In order for me to run, I need to be taken care of.
If something hurts, or I am making a funny noise, then I need to take care of it.
No guilt involved. No emotion. Just take care of it.
No mean or stupid voices of 'suck it up' or 'you are fine.'

I get to ignore those voices. 
I am a car. When I'm a car, there are no mean voices.
I just take care of what needs taking care of because I need to be able to work or run or function or be.
I don't have to worry about how much money I am spending on myself because I am a car and that is what happens when you have a car.
Cars cost money. They need care. They need maintaining. They need fixing. They need tune ups. It costs money. It's money well spent, because you need your car to be able to run.
So do I.

I am a car.
And I can even be an Alfa Romeo if I want! (inside joke- guy I once dated compared me to an Alfa Romeo, but that's for another post...)
I'm a car.
Beep beep.
And I'm worth it.


At 2:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though, I only know of you through your blog, we are sending our thoughts and prayers to all of you in Israel.

At 11:50 PM, Blogger Just Call Me Betty said...

I am going to use your Inspiration as a mantra every time I beat myself up for taking me time....I Am A Car~<3


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