Friday, April 28, 2006

An overdue 25,000 hit question

Here's one that requires discretion in answering:

What is one of your most embarrassing moments?

I expect perfect behavior here, boys and girls...

No go for it!


At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i threw a temper tantrum because someone had slept in my bed while i was away at college.

i was 19 and came home from college to spend the passover holiday with the family. i was so stressed out from finals and overwhealmed to be amongst ALL my family again. it was the last straw and i was AWFUL.

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You asked! LOL!

The real estate agent who assisted David and I in securing our first apartment was a tad, shall we say, erm PROPER?! (picture seamed stockings, mid-calf length skirts, sheitel AND hat). She was lovely to us, and showed us a number of apartments, always favoring the larger ones -- presumably to house all our yet-as-unborn/unconceived children. Knowing the two of us as you do, I am certain that you have no trouble believing that this brought out the devil in the both of us.

The final apartment she showed us was actually perfect in every way, but David couldn't resist making one [little] joke about the master-bedroom.... You see, there was a ceiling fan in that room. And after the three of us had entered the pretty, spacious room with the large windows, he looked up at the ceiling fan and allowed his eyes to linger there.

"Problem?" she asked timidly.

Without missing a beat David asked, "But where will we put the mirror?!"

Needless to say, she turned about 13 shades of red and bolted from the room. I meanwhile, was caught somewhere between peeing-in-my-pants-with-laughter and wishing-the-ground-would simply swallow me whole.

Oh. But it doesn't end there! No! That would not have been embarrassing enough....

Fast-forward to three months after the wedding....

We were invited to the 25th-birthday party of the wife of 2 extremely close friends. As the party progressed, a number of guests suggested a game of Taboo!TM. Since there were an equal number of single and married guests, the teams were determined by marital status.

Taboo!TM is much like password -- for those who aren't familiar -- a team member gets a card with the word he/she is trying to get the team to say and a list of 5 words you aren't allowed to use in describing the word. You have three minutes to get your team to say THE word. Obviously, a member of the opposing team monitors the card with your team member.

We were well into the middle of the game when it became David's turn at the card. The clue he gave was "You put them on the ceiling..." which naturally elicited a cries of "lights" or "fans." He cleared his throat and said, "Cheryl, our first apartment -- ceiling!" to which my Pavlovian response (after the JOKE!) was, "Oh! MIRRORS!"

The room went stock-still SILENT! 'Til a lone voice at the back of the room said, "So THAT'S how it is by you!" and the room erupted in raunchy laughter!

I wanted to crawl under their wall-to-wall carpeting... to say the least....

At 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the time my mother asked my boyfriend if we were sexually active.

At 7:45 AM, Blogger brainhell said...

I find to my amazement that I have ni embarrassing memories.


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