Thursday, December 13, 2007

44,000 hit question

I know I skipped 43,000.

Oh well.

Not that too many people answer my questions. I like asking them anyhow...

Knowing what you know now, what, if anything, would you do differently if you could go back to being a kid (or younger than you are now)???

I know one answer for myself: I would not have cared so much what others thought about me... That's just one! There are more...


At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have been such a slacker in my studies.

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would not have moved to Israel

At 2:04 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Would I have done anything differently? Probably not. I wish I had done some things differently, but if I had it to do again, I would likely make the decisions I made the first time around. I've certainly made some bad decisions in my time, but in the same situation, I'd likely do the same things.

Maybe I'd listen to myself more. Realize when I needed a break, and actually take it. And with the understanding I have now, I'd know how much stress my friends can handle, and not overdo it. But that all comes with age...

At 4:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have listened to and appreciated my mom a whole lot more.


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