Thursday, February 17, 2005

My Professional Hat

Today I was a professional. I wore my professional hat.

NEFESH is the International Organization for Orthodox Mental Health Professionals. I have had the merit to sit on the conference planning committee with some very talented mental health people here in Israel. Today was day 1 of the Israel NEFESH conference.

I didn’t present this year because I will be giving a 4-hour workshop on the Benefits of the Expressive Arts in March --AAAAHHHHH!!!!

So today I just played professional. Feeling very awkward at times.

I schmoozed with people who have real jobs outside of the home. I sold my experience and myself.

And then I thought, “I’m not ready to get a job!”

It was different not to be Mommy or Wife today.

Today I was a respected professional.

It felt great!

…..but I’m not ready to be a professional!