Monday, November 13, 2006

What I need to do

In no particular order:

- unpack my mudroom, including organizing files and throwing away stuff I never use - which is not an easy job!

- unpack Ely's winter clothes, go through clothes that don't fit her anymore and decide what to do with them

- buy towel bars and toilet paper holders for every bathroom - which there are 7!

- Finish unpacking my bedroom and figure out where to put a full length mirror - then maybe I'll be able to see myself and realize what I look like :(

- laundry, as usual

- keep workers here to get stuff fixed

- learn to accept my imperfections

That's enough for today!


At 4:11 PM, Blogger Preeti Shenoy said...

I liked your blog.I especially liked "story to tell".My husband had visited Israel some time back.I loved the pictures.Art therapy as an occupation sounds interesting.Keep writing!


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