Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Getting ready to pack

I am trying to find old letters to bring with me to my high school reunion.
At every reunion that I have been to so far, I have given notes/letters/cards to the person with him I wrote the notes to, or about. I know I have more, I just can't seem to find them. I'm finding all kinds of other interesting stuff while searching though!

I hate packing and so I will procrastinate doing whatever else I can not to pack.

I have a recurring dream about packing and so my anxiety kicks in when I start to pack to go somewhere.
The dream is usually about packing a suitcase or a car for a trip. I experience complete panic and anxiety that I can't fit everything I need in or can't find something I need. Or that I have forgotten something but can't remember what it is.
I wake up panicked.
I haven't had that dream yet. Maybe because I am actually living it instead.
It's not like I'm going to the jungles of Africa. I can buy anything I want or need when I get there.
I also always have this fear that I am going to starve on the plane, so I have to always bring food for myself.

This trip is a combination of have to, need to and want to.

I have to see my grandparents.
I need to see my nieces and nephews (and grand nieces and nephews!)
I want to see my old high school friends.

My brothers and sisters, parents and friends are all extra treats! I miss my family, but stay in very close touch with them by phone, email and skype.

It will be nice to have a change of scenery.

And I'm ready to come home already!

Crazy right?


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