Wednesday, December 04, 2013


There's something new in our home.
For the first time since we made Aliyah, my children are actually enjoying what they are learning. At least some of them.
When we first moved to Israel, the language was so difficult, that the goal in school was to just make friends, learn the language and do the best they could to learn anything.
Now, 10 years later, they have great friends, know the language and can actually learn something they are interested in.
At least for MB and DB.
Growing up in a home where education was very important, and wishing my child's felt the same way, it is a nice change to be able to hear my two oldest enjoying their learning.
MB is studying Osteopathy, the study of the muscles and bones.
And DB is studying political science and psychology.
We can finally have intelligent conversations and enjoy hearing about their days.
I'm loving it.
And am so thankful they are able to expand their minds and their worlds.


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