Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Bullets to catch up

I don’t have anything profound or meaningful to write about at length, but I wanted to touch base and let you all know I’m still here.

- Spent Shabbat at Brother Matt’s. I, in fact, have a lot to write about that, but I choose not to in a public forum. Baby Nissim is very yummy!
- Saturday night was the yishuv welcome to new families party. I understood more of the Hebrew than I did last year, but still felt out of place. When will I ever feel like I belong somewhere?
- I have received several phone calls about taking seminary girls as sleeping and eating guests for Rosh Hashana. The list is slowly growing.
- Cousin Diana and the triplets came over for dinner on Sunday. I made delicious lasagna and she brought the sweetest corn I have ever tasted in Israel. So wonderful to have family here!
- Met with the architect. The engineer had to make some small changes. I am still trying to keep everything in perspective.
- Went this morning to Jerusalem to learn some Torah and then visit JE.
- Had a meeting tonight with another local Creative Arts Therapist (different title, same stuff). She is opening up some office space and is looking to rent it out. This could potentially be very exciting…
- Came home at 11 PM and ate French fries – yuck! What else should I have eaten instead?!
- Tomorrow I get a very well deserved massage.
- Ari comes home tomorrow night. Reentry.
- DB seems to want to go back to last years’ school to visit?? That’s really weird!
- MB is stressing out over an art project she has to do on Picasso.
- NED had her first argument with a teacher. She knows it wasn’t a good idea and has agreed to move on…I hope!
- ELY is trying so hard to read English. She is constantly asking me what something says. She’ll write a whole bunch of letters and gibberish on a paper and then ask me what it says. She has slept with me every night since Ari has been gone. Tomorrow night she moves back into her own bed. Are we messing up our kid?!

I've been thinking alot about what I believe....

What do you believe?


At 8:56 AM, Blogger Karban Nesanel said...

i believe that i need to call you...

i also believe that sukkos is going to be awesome.

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snuggle while you can, soon she won't want to...
Let me know if you need some books..

At 9:39 PM, Blogger brainhell said...

>When will I ever feel like
>I belong somewhere?

I believe that for a Jew this is perhaps not an historically unprecedented feeling. I enjoy your blog.


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