Tuesday, May 23, 2006

00:42 wake-up

The evenings are cool now so we sleep with our windows open. In another couple of weeks, we will have to put the AC on. The night air will become hot and humid, making it impossible to sleep without the cool air. For now, it's fresh air, no noisy machines and a ceiling fan.

Which is all fine and dandy until inconsiderate teenagers decide to hang out in the park next to our house after midnight yelling and screaming obscenities at each other – in English!

Which means I understand what they are saying and even know who they are. The mother in me wanted to yell out to them to be quiet or just “shush” them through my closed trissim (shutters). Instead I got up to see if any of my kids were still up so they could call them or go out to tell them they were too loud and had awoken their mother (of course, Ari slept through it all!).

MB was up for some reason, but jumped back into bed when she heard me moving. DB was already asleep. By the time I got back to my room the kids were leaving the park.

And I was completely awake!

So now what?

I blog. I think. I put in a load of laundry.

I pack a box? Probably not.

I’ll go read on the couch and fall asleep there again.

It’s gonna be another one of those nights…

…Dreaming of wall colors and bathroom vanities…


At 3:15 AM, Blogger Dani B. said...

12:42? that's an early night for me!

At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

will you tell the parents?


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