Sunday, March 06, 2011

My reality this week

It hit me tonight, as I was sewing badges onto DB's uniform,
This is my reality.
I have a son in the Israeli army. I have to sew buttons on his uniform and badges on his sleeve.
My daughters are going to parties for their friends going into the army this week.
This country is about it's army and the service young people give to it.
This country is about protection and service and care for others.
The kids watch out for each other. They know each other. They are all connected and cover each others backs.
As Ari and I sat watching James Bond tonight, Ely was asleep in her bed and our three big kids were out with their friends who are all serving our country in one way or another.
Soon Ely will be doing the same.
That's the reality here.
That's my reality here.


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