Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Not much

I continue to be in a place of feeling like I don't have much to write about. A lot has happened that I could catch you up on, but the meaningful stuff seems harder to write about.

Why do you think writers get stuck?

What is it that I am afraid to write about?

Sickness in my home. NED has a REALLY bad virus; fever, cough, headache. She is sleeping alot.
MB is coughing.
ELY had lice (does that count as illness?!).
DB has teenage attitude and pullingawayness. (THAT is definitely an illness - very very contagious!)

Ari leaves again on Wednesday for a short trip to NY. I am wondering why I put up with it. Why am I okay with it? Or am I? Do I have a choice?

ME? Something is not 100% right. Maybe it's a mood? Maybe it's a phase? Maybe I need a break? Maybe I need a good shake? Maybe I need to exercise? Maybe I need to not eat so much? Maybe I need to just learn to love and accept me? Maybe...

So, not so much to write about...

Oh, and Merry Christmas to my friends who celebrate and Happy New Year to all those who care!



At 3:01 AM, Blogger Special Ed said...

When am I gonna see you guys? I'm free the 8th-14th what works for you? e-mail me and let me know:)

Miss you guys a tont


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