Can't rest my brain
Trying to go to sleep, but trains of words and thoughts racing through my head.
Can't settle in and can't quiet down.
I'm angry.
I'm angry at the kids who would drink and drive and kill themselves
I'm angry at the kids who think "it won't happen to me"
I'm angry at the parents who don't seem to care, or know how to care
I'm angry at the community who won't accept a kid cuz he/she's different than what they want or need him to be.
I'm angry at the everyone for always blaming others and not taking responsiblilty.
WE are all responsible.
I am responsible for my friend's kid who I bumped into hanging out in Crack Square.
I am responsible to love him.
I am responsible for my client who feels so lost, she doesn't even know right from wrong
I am responsible for loving my children and my husband and my family
I am responsible for loving myself
You are responsible for loving me
We are all responsible
now go do it
Curious what was the catalyst for this particular post....
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