Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Clarifying my Costume

Anonymous asked whether my costume was like the one in the YouTube link I posted in "catching up."

Let me clarify a couple of things:
1. I can't sing like that wolf
2. I can't dance like that wolf
3. I don't have the stage presence like that wolf
4. My costume is a man's tuxedo: pants, jacket, cumberbun and vest; I gray wolf's hat; fur lined gloves and some kind of fur lined shoe.

This is a very amateur show - Just a bunch of ladies having fun on stage!!

And I get to howl! Aaaaaaaooooooooooowwwwwww!


At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me clarify a few things for those who may not know SB very well--This is the Mommy speaking telling you all: 1.SB has a lovely voice and CAN sing 2.She's got great rhythm and CAN dance 3. Her stage presence CAN be great when she just let's herself go and get's "into the moment". So go far it SB and "Break A Leg" :):) Hugs, Mom

At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol :)


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