Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Writing from the hospital

It's Tuesday.12:45 PM.
DB has just climbed back into bed for his early afternoon nap. Took him less than 3 minutes to begin snoring! He didn't sleep well last night, so I am giving him this rest. Since I have been here this morning (9:30ish) I have not let him sleep. It's a hard balance. His body clearly needs the rest and the antibiotics are knocking him out, but he has also contracted a case of pneumonia from laying in bed all day.
I got him up - made him take a shower. Made him breakfast (a roll with egg and melted cheese, yogurt and fresh fruit from his roommates orchard). Took a walk outside, caught a couple sunbeams and breathed some fresh crisp air. Climbed 6 flights of steps and daavened (prayed). He deserves a rest!

He is no longer eating the hospital food. Since I have been bringing him food from home, he won't touch the stuff! But thank Gd he is eating! His throat is still scratchy from the surgery, and it is aggravated by the new cough, but he is much better than before. All his roommates that he has been with all week, have left. New incentive to get out of here!

I am on autopilot. Dad says I will not fall apart, so I guess I won't. I will leave here in an hour to see clients. The distraction will be good for me. Even tried to get a manicure, but they were full today.

Day by day now. Wait and see. Each day DB feels better, I feel better. Yesterday was a bad day. I was emotionally drained. Today, so far, is much better. so my spirits are better.

Day by day - moment by moment. Life is so fragile and I take so much for granted.


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