Sunday, September 26, 2004

The Blessings of a Teenager

As I write this, my 15-year-old teenage son is BLARING the music from his radio in his room. His windows are closed, and the whole house is sleeping, so I don't think he's bothering anyone. Can't really make out what it is, though. I think it's Israeli radio. He likes the loud stuff, but thankfully not the depressing head-banging stuff! Whenever a Hebrew song comes on the radio when we're in the car, he sings the words. And thankfully he likes the funky stuff I like, too.

Today was the first full day we have spent together in a long time. I took him with me
(to be my shleper and spend some quality time together) to Jerusalem to Mechane Yehuda to do my pre-Sukkot shopping. He was a great help - not one complaint! And boy, is he strong! A real mensch too! When he saw that I was having a hard time carrying the bags, he offered to take them from me. He didn't want to go out to eat after shopping because, "We already spent alot of money."
He shlepped all the bags into the house from the car and put many of the things away.

He's a great kid, my boy! I only just wish he would talk to me. I know it's a teenage boy thing, but he used to be so open with me. Now, it's worse than pulling teeth. At least when you pull a tooth, you eventually get the tooth out. With him I could try to word my question a million different ways and he still "doesn't know!"

I used to be an expert on getting other people's teenagers to talk!

But then again when he left the house tonight (at 9:45PM) to meet some Bnei Akiva friends for a BBQ, he came into the kitchen to give me a kiss. Of course he didn't leave the first time he said he was going to - highly distractable child! - and then came to give me another kiss. When I say to him, "You already gave me a kiss and said you were leaving." He responded with, "I wanted to give you another kiss!"

And when I asked him what time he was going to be home, he said, "12."
I said, "11:30."
He said "OK,"
And that was it!

I am so blessed!

He appreciates the small stuff. He's great with his sisters. He's respectful (most of the time!!) And he loves to be with his family!
How could I complain???

Thank you Hashem for your blessings! I do not take them for granted!

Now let's see how tomorrow goes...

P.S. I just went into his room to check on him. He is fast asleep - snoring loudly - fully dressed, lights on, with the remote control to his boom box in his hand! Gotta love it!
And I do!


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