Sunday, October 24, 2004

Soooo much to say

I wanna sit here and type away about my trip to the states so far. But I'm stuck. Stuck, I think, in my own head. My own thoughts. Some I can write about and some I shouldn't.

Lots of emotions here.

Surrounded by love.
Feeling at home.
Familiar surroundings.
Busy with shopping.
Spending time with Grandpa, my family, my friends.
Needing "me" time.
Wanting to sleep.
Too busy to try.
Relaxing with love.
Needing to sleep.
Missing my family.
What's right? and how do we know?

Consider this a quick check in. I'm still alive.

More to come...

Happy Day :)


At 6:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - it's Lisa Silverman. I'm glad to hear you're doing well. Just because you feel happy to be at home doesn't mean you made the wrong decision. Being home is always nice, and it doesn't mean you love your other home any less.
I'm particularly interested in how you are adjusting, since I am meeting with the shaliach aliyah tomorrow and requested applications for grad school this afternoon from the Technion, Hebrew U, and Weizmann. Wish me luck! I need to put down a phone and address for "a relative or close friend in Israel." Would you be my close friend? E-mail me - (just to prevent spam, don't actually send it to that... :P)


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