Friday, August 05, 2005

Responding to comments

There seems to be a whole culture/protocol/etiquette out there in blog land as to the proper way to respond, if at all, to comments left on someone’s blog.

There are those who respond in their comment box.

There are those who email their responses directly.

And there are those who respond in the text of their posts.

So far, I have basically NOT responded to people’s comments. Frankly, some of them (ED!!) are not worth responding to. And I’m not very good at come back lines.

Also, my blog, for me, is really a place for me to write and to express what is on my mind. The comments box is an extra place for nice people to let me know they are reading and have thoughts enough to send me a comment.

I’m just not nice enough to respond. YET.

I haven’t decided if I’m going to change that habit. But I wanted those of you who do leave me comments to know that I do read them, think about them, and sometimes respond.

From those of you who leave messages, I know I have regular readers. But since my counter keeps going up, I know there are so many more of you out there who read and don’t comment.

THAT’S almost spooky!


At 5:39 PM, Blogger Deanna said...

Now that you question.. I will speak!... I am not certain how I found your blog... perhaps it was thru brainhell, who I have been reading for quite some time, and admire himself and his lovely wife for their strength. Your blog caught my interest because I once borrowed this template for a while.. and the colours to me, are still lovely. I read with interest your stories.. I can't imagine being transplanted to a totally different life. Today yours caught me with the comments section, as I am the same... people comment, and I read them, but I rarely respond, and I am not sure why... I guess the stories are my stories.. and I am glad that someone out there is gathering a chuckle for the day... it's interesting to note as well, that there are many readers out there... even if they stand in the sidelines quietly.


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