Monday, March 23, 2009

I thought I might, but I really don't ....

..regret that last post!

Mostly because most people have said to me, "You have the guts to talk about the stuff I only think about."

I think alot. And I like that about me. Better than going through life not thinking at all.

My very dear friend validated me by commenting: You, in particular, feel things intensely, and have a long emotional memory, and that's OK.

I love my husband. We make a great team. We deeply care and try to understand each other more and more every day.

As I have done my entire life, I carry the emotion for our marriage. He loves me for that. That is what I do.

Emotions are real. And as the same very dear and wise friend also commented: Feeling something, and letting the feeling be and pass, does not threaten your marriage. Dwelling on it, or acting on it, would threaten your marriage.

Bottom line: I feel emotions, I know others do to - I choose to talk about them. Out loud.

Any questions or comments? Talk to me about them - I'm happy to listen...


At 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also sometimes feel weird around men I dated a long time ago. I always thought it was because for the most part they are all married with kids at this point and I am still single. (What can I say, I'm a good segulah. :) )

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to borrow that phrase ... "long emotional memory". That's me - definitely.


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