Yeah, I know I should write more. Now and in general.
But that's all I got right now.
Busy - doing nothing and alot at the same time.
Purim over and Pesach on it's way...
I keep trying.
That's the best I can do
Frank Savage, my high school drafting teacher, used to sing "Sarah Smile" whenever he saw me. It made me feel special. I try to smile...I need to smile more. Writing makes me smile!
Yeah, I know I should write more. Now and in general.
Since Ari is in the States, DB is in Yeshiva, MB is sleeping in Bet Shemesh to rehearse for a school performance, and NED is in Mitzpe Rimon on her tiyul shnati (yearly field trip), Ely and I are the only ones home.
Change in format. I can't keep thinking up new questions. Too much pressure. So let's just go with the old Shabbat table question:
Beautiful sunset today.
I get almost daily emails from my friend, Tom, the Shaman. They are called, "Today's meditation."